Sunday, May 26, 2019

This Mouthwash Removes Plaque From Teeth In 1 Minutes (easy).


Hi!!! friends welcome to my simple remedies have you brushed your teeth? not yet better do it right now or they might get yellow what if they're already yellow I have a special remedy for you,

 but first let me tell you how I found out about it. when we were at school a friend of mine had a medical condition that prevented her from brushing her teeth every day, she could only brush twice a month you can imagine how yellow her teeth became she hated to talk and she hated to smile she was a very nice girl and everyone loved her but she wasn't very confident, because of the appearance of her teeth, she is mouth freshener for the other but couldn't brush, our teacher wanted to help her and gave her a special remedy for teeth whitening by the end of the week.

 I observed that this friend had the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen in my life when I asked her about the secret of having such white teeth in that short time she told me that she used the one ingredient remedy our teacher recommended twice a month this remedy is the best teeth whitening remedy I've ever used it makes teeth beautiful clean and pearly white this remedy contains just one ingredient it's readily available and very useful and effective grapefruit protects against tooth decay and gingivitis fights germs kills harmful bacteria and gets rid of dead cells because it contains malic acids an enzyme that promotes the production of saliva.

 it's a major component to remove discoloration and contributes to the maintenance of teeth please take a moment to like this video and subscribe to this channel now let me tell you how to clean your teeth at home with a grapefruit juice the grapefruit into a clean Bowl that's it so easy one ingredient and one step dip your toothbrush into the juice and brush your teeth for one minute dip the toothbrush in the juice again and continue brushing for three minutes four minutes maximum do it gently to avoid causing injury to your gums you don't want them to bleed repeat this remedy twice a week for best results the longer you use it the brighter your teeth will become and stay that way as take-home tips try to brush your teeth twice everyday.

 if you forget to brush in the morning remember to do it before you go to sleep in general a fruit of any kind after a raw vegetable cleans your tea naturally if you can't brush after every meal avoid putting sharp instruments in your mouth to avoid causing injury to your gums thus making them inflamed and painful I hope you'll follow these tips and keep smiling.

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