The mother is trying hard to attract her children’s attention to the benefits of a pizza she prepared herself, in exchange for the delicious taste of cheap pizza in restaurants, but it fails, and we all failed once to reduce the amounts we spend on fast food.
Why do we eat fast food?
Researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School studied 600 adults who frequent fast-food restaurants, among teenagers and adults, according to Mead's website.
Most of them reported having eaten fast food at least three times a week, and after each time they were evaluating 11 reasons for eating that meal today, in negative or positive terms, for a whole year. According to the result, in percentages of each phrase that the participants agreed that it is the reason for their choice, 92.3% ate fast food because it is a fast choice, and 80% agreed that they like fast food, and 69% of them saw it as inexpensive food, and they chose 63% as the cause of great preoccupation, The reason for the fact that fast food is a psychological and emotional treatment by 53%, and the rest of the reasons ranged between lower percentages such as being a family ritual or to enjoy time with friends.
Good or delicious food?
Have you ever noticed that fast food smells the same? Have you repeatedly asked yourself about the secret of the mixture that makes the burgers you eat on the street corner better than you make at home? This is because it contains salt, fat, and onions mixed with hot oil, tons of cheese, french fries, or tons of chocolate, condensed milk, and glucose sugar, especially high-fructose corn syrup in sweets, juices, and soft drinks.
Dr. Stephen A. says. Weatherly, President and CEO of Technical Products - a food consultancy company in California - that fast food tricks us with salt and fat in it, because the brain loves salt, fat, and sugar. Fast food does not affect the reception of the tongue to the delicious taste, but it affects the brain in its reception of the "enjoyable" and "unpleasant" food according to the amount of fat and salt, which raise the hormone insulin and leptin, which affect the impression of the brain on a particular food, and this may be explained by the preference of french fries On boiled and grilled.
Blind gatekeeper tongue.
Scientists have agreed that the tongue distinguishes the salty, sweet, bitter and sour taste, but it does not recognize taste like soy sauce, ranch, and parmesan cheese, and brings them together under the category of pleasant taste. Otherwise, the tongue of hot pepper is not known to taste, nor does it taste, but it irritates the skin of the inner cheek, as well as the carbon that causes similar irritation, stimulating the brain. This means that the tongue only picks up the signal, sends it to the brain to interpret it and merge it with other foods, and transforms it into feelings and emotions.
Perhaps this prompts us to ask why the taste of any meal has changed just by adding ketchup to it or eating boiled noodles by just adding Parmesan cheese.
Chinese food syndrome.
We can only describe the taste of burgers or pizza and Chinese food as being delicious, and the strange thing is that "delicious" is a taste that the Japanese have already invented, and they called it slow cooking, in which we fried onions in oil, and we add soy sauce or ketchup to hot oil and leave the mixture on low heat for a long time for a stronger taste.
The reason for this delicious taste found in low-fat foods such as Chinese food, ketchup, and food sauces is a common type of artificial spice, called "monosodium glutamate" salt, which is a very cheap salt used in restaurants for its price and its ability to add a special taste for eating, according to the British Guardian newspaper.
For this reason, if you prepare Chinese food at home, you will not get the same taste, unless you use ready-made food sauces, such as soy sauce, or ketchup, or add Parmesan cheese to pasta, as it caused us to love the famous Indomie meal.
It is followed by a combination of symptoms such as headache, nausea, and a strange feeling of numbness, which is called "the Chinese restaurant syndrome", which will happen to you only in cheap restaurants. But the strangest thing is that the biggest reason we love foods that contain "monosodium glutamate", and that we return to it repeatedly, is that it is a natural ingredient in the original and found in breast milk, according to the Guardian.
The effect of "tasty" food on your mind.
If you decide to balance matters and break the control of burgers and pizza on you, you can follow simple steps, you do not have to stop eating sugar and salt, but you must refrain from eating refined sugar, sucrose, and high fructose corn syrup because it increases insulin and causes fat to be stored in the body.
Also don't give up on carbohydrates, but eat complex carbohydrates like whole grains and beans. And do not add salt to the food until after tasting it. Eat foods that are large in size and low in calories, such as salads, to fill your stomach quickly. And stay away from saturated fats in fried foods in all restaurants, and replace them with olive oil, flax, and fish in your kitchen, because the body does not store them as fat.
You can eat your food slowly, in the restaurant or at home, to give your mind time to realize that you are satisfied. There are other ways if you want fast food to relieve your sadness at night, such as calming herbs such as lavender, star anise, and chamomile.