Monday, May 27, 2019

Christian Company, Chick-fil-A Is Fast Becoming The USA’s Third-Largest Restaurant Chain.

A new 2017 sales report shows the king of chicken is rolling in dough,and is far exceeding its rival fast food chains like MCDONALD'S and KFC.

Average CHICK-FIL-A resturant rings up more than 4 M Dollars in annual sales, nearly 2 M Dollars more than  MCDONALD'S and  3.3 M Dollars more than KFC.

.....And they're not even open on sundays.

With those numbers, the chicken-centric shop is currently on track to become the 3rd largest fast food restaurant in the U.S by 2020,behind  MCDONALD'S and STARBUCKS.

Besides their popular waffle fries and chicken sandwiches,some experts say their tech-savvy customer service experience has helped sales too.

The chain offers mobile ordering options and in-resturant ordering by tablets, the first CHICK-FIL-A resturant opened in 1967 in ATLANTA but today it holds 2,300 locations across the U.S.

and managed to rake in roughly 9 B Dollars in sales in 2017.

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